How to Tap into Your Brain's Adaptability According to Andrew Huberman

Dive into the fascinating world of brain adaptability with Andrew Huberman's expert guidance. Explore scientifically-backed strategies to improve learning, memory, and overall cognitive function. This approach offers practical tips to effectively utilize the brain's natural ability to adapt and evolve.
How to Tap into Your Brain's Adaptability According to Andrew Huberman

How to Tap into Your Brain's Adaptability According to Andrew Huberman (Picture Credit - Freepik)

Learning new skills and behaviours plays a fundamental role in ensuring your personal growth and development. But, mastering a new skill or adding a new habit to your routine can seem like a daunting task, especially as you grow old. However, Stanford professor Dr. Andrew Huberman has put forth a science-backed approach that can make this process a lot easier than you imagine. This article discusses the different ways suggested by Dr. Andrew Huberman to make the process of learning easier and more enjoyable. But first, let's define neuroplasticity.
What Is Neuroplasticity?
Your brain has the superpower to reorganise itself throughout life, thus, adapting to new environments, behaviours and internal experiences. Neuroplasticity is an umbrella term used to describe the many capabilities of the brain to rewire itself based on new information and experiences. The first thing you should know about your brain is that it is more plastic during your childhood, and that means, the plasticity declines with age. That being said, the good news is that science has proven that you can access neuroplasticity at any point in life- from birth to death. It means that you can learn and master any new skills at any age.
Set Achievable Goals
Learning can be effective only when you have set clear and attainable goals. For instance, instead of setting a distant goal such as "I want to be a published author", break it down into small achievable goals like "I will complete the research and planning for my book within one month" or "I will complete the first chapter of my novel within 2 weeks". It will provide you with a sense of direction. Plus, as you tick off these milestones, you will feel motivated to carry on.
Practice Consistently
Be it learning a new skill or adopting a new habit, you should practise them consistently to make them part of your routine. According to Dr. Huberman, you should make practice a non-negotiable part of your life just as cleaning your teeth. Practising consistently will help you progress quickly.
Get Quality Sleep
When you are trying to acquire new skills, getting sufficient and high-quality sleep is of great significance. This is because your brain processes and stores information during your sleep. It will ensure you can recall or use what you have learned easily.
Use Visualisation Techniques
Before starting a new skill or habit, take a moment and try to visualise yourself performing the task successfully. This will help in priming your brain and boosting your actual performance.
Be Open-Minded And Stay Curious
Develop a growth mindset and be open to new challenges and experiences. Don't be discouraged by the initial setbacks. Instead, see them as opportunities to learn and improve. The willingness to adapt to changes and try new and different approaches is the hallmark of a successful learner.
Embrace The Power Of Social Learning
Learning does not have to be a solitary endeavour. Joining a community or finding a mentor can provide you with immense support and motivation. The power of social learning can be harnessed through online forums, in-person classes, workshops etc.
Make Sure To Reward Yourself
Learning new skills and behaviours is not an easy task. So, make it a point to celebrate all your achievements, big or small. Treat yourself to something you enjoy as you achieve your smaller goals or reach a particular milestone. These rewards will keep you motivated to go ahead and achieve greater things.
Surround Yourself With A Growth-Centric Environment
Create an environment that supports your goals and your growth. For instance, if your goal is to incorporate a healthy diet into your routine, stock your pantry with healthy ingredients and stay away from temptations. Also, while consistent practice is important for you to master a new skill, it is equally crucial for you to take regular breaks and avoid burnout. These breaks will allow you to recharge and prevent mental fatigue.
Harnessing neuroplasticity in adulthood may require some intentional effort, however, it can be accomplished. Knowing this fact is important as it will act as a motivator which removes all the mental barriers that have been holding you back from trying something new.
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