Are Period Panties Better Than Sanitary Pads? We Tried Them And Here Is What We Think

These discreet undergarments are in the spotlight for their commitment to providing comfort, embracing sustainability, and discreetly handling the ebb and flow of menstruation. But are they as easy to use and effective as they claim to be?
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Periods and I don’t get along. A few of my friends have a breezy relationship with their menstrual cycle; it's timely and comfortable, unlike mine, which arrives unannounced, stays for far longer than I’d care for and brings cramps that feel like the end of life. Not to mention, the rashes that sanitary pads bring. Trust me, I have tried every brand under the sun with the same result.
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And for the longest time, pads were my only support against this monthly onslaught. But over the last few years, a host of alternates, including menstrual cups and period panties have made an appearance on the scene. Not to mention they are better for the environment, and for you. In spite of my initial hesitance, intrigued by the promises of comfort, sustainability, and leak-proof assurance, I decided to give both a shot, and here are my two cents on the pros and cons of period panties. I armed myself with Nushu’s Hip Hugger variety (which has a four-layer absorbent padding, and is tested to absorb up to 6 pads) for the first two days, and moved onto a panties with lower levels of absorbency over the next few days. You can pick a feminine care brand according to your choice and decide on the fit and absorbency as per your preference.
More on the cups later.
Wearing period panties, for me, feels like a game-changer in terms of comfort. The soft, breathable fabric eliminates the discomfort often associated with traditional menstrual products, making those days of the month a bit more bearable. However, if you have to wear a form fitting dress, you will have to switch to a tampon or a menstrual cup because these underwear are not seamless.
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One of the major advantages is the reassurance of leak-proof protection. The multiple layers and absorbent technology built into period panties provide a sense of security, allowing me to move freely without the constant worry of unexpected leaks.
Odour Worries
Unlike traditional pads, which can sometimes produce odours, period panties, with their breathable materials, help in minimising any unwanted smells. This added feature enhances the overall experience, especially during physically active days.
Yet, much like with any menstrual product, we’d advise changing your undergarment twice a a day for better hygiene.
Credit Nushu
Credit: Nushu
Cost Effectiveness
One of the initial drawbacks is the cost. Most quality period panties can be pricier upfront compared to disposable options. But in the longer run, I do believe it is a cheaper (not to forget environmentally better) alternative to sanitary pads.
Style Choices
While the market is evolving, the variety of styles and designs available in period panties might not match the extensive options offered by traditional menstrual products. This limitation in style choices could be a factor for those who prioritise aesthetics.
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Regular Washing Routine
Using period panties requires adopting a regular washing routine, which might be perceived as an inconvenience for some. I found the process relatively easy even though it's messy. For all panties, you have to wash it under running water till the excess blood drains off, and then hand wash/machine wash it before reusing. However, this is a small trade-off for the environmental benefits and cost savings associated with reusable products.
Sustainability Wins
As someone aiming to reduce their environmental footprint, the reusable nature of period panties aligns with my eco-friendly goals. It's a small yet impactful step towards minimising waste, contributing to a more sustainable lifestyle.
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